The Hot Skwash Story - hotskwash

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From unintentional to international couture

Every business adventure and artistic inspiration has a story. Most entrepreneurs set out to build a business. “I didn’t”, chuckles Daria Knowles. “I was looking for something to feed my creative appetite and contribute financially to my family in a way that still allowed me to be a present and active Mom.” As a mother with young children Daria was always sewing drapes, making pillows or knitting something for the kids. She was a busy mommy, active in the community and volunteering at school.

It was around this time that Daria came across the pumpkin idea while shopping. She found a fabric pumpkin with a crude , natural stem and knew that it could be turned into something very special. She began to play with the idea of selling some of her crafts to friends and family. This would allow her to stay home with the kids and earn a little money. The community quickly supported the idea and the “home shows” began. She grins and shakes her head modestly “It kind of just evolved. I’m constantly amazed by how far we’ve come. I never set out to be a business owner, I just wanted to create beautiful things.”

Our Vision & Values

To create the highest quality collectible art that enhances the spirit and energy of your home, stands the test of time, and most importantly, invites you and your guests to smile.

We believe that family does not have to be sacrificed for prosperity, which is why we’re so proud of our roots.A cottage business that supported local West Linn, Oregon mothers who needed additional income and the work flexibility to support their children’s schedules and family priorities.

We believe that everything we do makes a mark on this planet, and therefore it is our responsibility to make sure that we reduce our impact on the earth and give back what we take in a sustainable way through the careful selection of materials.

We believe that the best of innovations surround highly flexible and collaborative teams. We want to stick to what we do best and to support local community partners whenever possible.

The Women Behind Hot Skwash

We are mothers, sisters, daughters, businesswomen, students, leaders, dreamers and artists who believe a positive environment, family and home are unconditional pillars of a healthy community. This is also true for our work community. We measure success in terms of smiles. We love what we do, who we do it with and the joy it brings to all collectors. That is success! Hot Skwash by Daria is humming with laughter, chatter and excitement every day. Everyone is special. What makes our specialness unique is that we measure success in terms of smiles – ours included.

We don’t just design and produce fine handmade works of collectable table top art. At Hot Skwash by Daria, what makes our work purposeful is the celebration and true joy of shared experience in all that we produce. Why? It is our core belief that in doing so we make the world better; one person, household and community at a time.
